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Sign-up to usher

Broken Arrow

Community Playhouse

offers volunteers a chance to see our shows for FREE!

All you have to do is volunteer to usher.

To sign-up, click on the button -->

to download a pdf form. Fill it out

and return it via mail, or email to:


OR follow this link -

We'll contact you to confirm the dates and times for each show.


We'd love to have you join our family!

Download and
Print the Form

  • We ask our ushers to show up 1 hour before the show starts and to stay after for about 30 minutes to help "clean up."
  • We don’t have a strict uniform policy but would encourage you to wear business casual attire unless we let you know that we are doing a costume or play specific attire. Like for Christmas, you can wear ugly sweaters or other festive holiday attire.
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